Terms & Conditions - FAQs - Privacy
Rental Terms & Conditions
First months rental (unless product is part of first month rental free offer) and £24.95 (£39.95 for electric cookers) delivery and admin fee payable in advance. (either when signing your rental contract or on delivery of your product)
Quality refurbished products minimum period of rental 12 months. Brand new products minimum period of rental 17 months.
Subject to status, written details available on request.
Terms and conditions apply see in store for full details.
Images are for illustration only, actual product supplied may vary from illustration, all offers subject to availability.
Please note that all prices are correct at the time of publication.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information given on this site is up to date at the time of publication. However due to continuous improvements by ourselves and manufacturers, we reserve the right to make changes without prior notice.
Applying for a rental account FAQs
Where do you deliver to?
We are a local business serving our local area, to ensure we can give our customers a fast service we keep our delivery area for rental products within approx. 15 road miles of our Grimsby store (Grimsby, Immingham and surrounding villages) If you live just outside of this area and are interested in renting from us please give us a call.
How long is the rental contract?
If you rent a quality refurbished product from us the minimum period of rental is 12 months, for brand new items its 17 months.
How do I apply to rent an item?
Its really easy, just give us a call or send us message via the contact form you will find on each product page of this website and we will email you our digital application form.
Alternatively just call into either of our shops and we will complete the application form with you- it only takes a few minutes.
Do I need to bring anything with me?
If you calling into store to complete your application please bring a form of ID with you - A photo-card driving license or a passport is ideal, if you do not have these then please bring a bank statement or utility bill in your name from the last 3 months.
It can be helpful if you can bring some proof of address with you like a driving license, tenancy agreement or utility bill and your bank details if you wish to pay by standing order. If you are renting a TV or other high value item from us we may need to see a copy of your household contents insurance. If we require any other information we will let you know once the application has been completed.
Do you perform a credit check?
Yes, we use Equifax credit referencing services as part of our account opening process.
I have a poor credit history, can I apply?
Yes, we look at each application on an individual basis, not just automatic credit scoring and will do our best to help, for example depending on the details of your application we may be able to supply a quality refurbished product initially to allow you to build a payment history with us.
How long will it take for my product to be delivered?
When you have signed your rental agreement we can normally arrange delivery within 48 hours (excluding Sundays). We will book a day to suit you, we offer morning or afternoon delivery slots and can call you before delivery if requested.
When do I need to pay my first payment?
Your initial payment which includes the first months rental for the item and the delivery and admin charge can be paid when you sign your agreement in store or at any time before, or on, delivery of your item.
What payment methods do you offer for monthly rental payments?
We offer a choice of payment methods including monthly standing order from your bank which is our preferred method, or you can pay by cash or debit card in store and we accept debit card payments over the the phone for rental payments.
What do you mean by 'Quality Refurbished Product'?
We offer both brand new and quality refurbished products for rental.
Quality refurbished products have been on rent previously, when they are returned to us they are tested by our workshop, any repairs required are carried out and then they are thoroughly cleaned ready to be delivered to the next customer.
We are able to offer these products on a shorter 12 month minimum period of rental instead of the 17 months for brand new products.
We also offer FREE first month's rental on quality refurbished washing machines and dryers.
You can often grab a bargain by choosing to rent a quality refurbished TV over a brand new model.
By reusing products in this way it is also a more sustainable option.
Do you offer Rent to buy?
No we do not offer rent to buy.
We can answer any other questions you have, please just ask.
Grimsby - 01472 356031
Immingham - 01469 572891
You can also contact us by email - sales@davidbury.co.uk
Privacy Policy
What is this Privacy Policy for?
This privacy policy is for this website [www.davidburyrentals.co.uk] and served by David BURY LTD and governs the privacy of its users who choose to use it.
The policy sets out the different areas where user privacy is concerned and outlines the obligations & requirements of the users, the website and website owners. Furthermore the way this website processes, stores and protects user data and information will also be detailed within this policy.
How we use your information
For us to process your order and deliver good to you we will need to know your name, email, phone number and billing and delivery address. We do not collect any information except that which you specifically and knowingly provide. We will share this information with a third party when required to do so in following circumstances:
Opening a rental account for you we will need to perform a credit check with Equifax credit referencing services
To register a products guarantee. For example some manufactures offer an extended guarantee that is only validated by registration, on some products we may register this for you as part of our service to ensure you get the benefit of the guarantee. To do so we will need to supply the manufacture with some of your details and the details of the product you purchased.
To register your product with a manufacturer or their service agents in the case of any product safety recall being issued.
If you wish us to contact the manufacture on your behalf to arrange a service call. To do so we will need to supply them with your name and address and contact details so they may attend to your product.
Where we have been instructed to do so by you as part of your order. For example if a gas installation being required and the gas fitter requiring your name and address to attend and complete the fitting.
Where required to do so by law.
We do not collect or store any financial information on this website.
You may request details of personal information which we hold about you under the Data Protection Act 1998. A small fee will be payable. If you would like a copy of the information held on you please write to David Bury Ltd, 70 Pasture St, Grimsby, N.E Lincs, DN32 9ER.
If you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please write to, or email, us as soon as possible at the above address. We will promptly correct any information found to be incorrect. If you would like your information removing from our database please contact us and we will be happy to assist.
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March 2022 - Edited & customised by: David Bury Ltd, 70 Pasture St, Grimsby, DN32 9ER