FREE first month rental on selected quality refurbished items
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Washing Machines
Tumble Dryers
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Hotpoint 7kg Load Quality Refurbished Washing Machine
Hotpoint 8Kg Load Quality Refurbished Washing Machine
Hotpoint 9Kg Load Quality Refurbished Washing Machine
Hotpoint 7Kg load Silver Quality Refurbished Washing Machine
Hotpoint 7Kg load Quality Refurbished Black Washing Machine
NEW Hotpoint 7kg Load 1400 Spin Washing Machine
NEW Hotpoint 8kg Load 1400 Spin Washing Machine
NEW Hotpoint 9kg Load 1400 Spin Washing Machine
Choose from vented or condenser models, rent at the same time as a washing machine and pay only
1 installation charge
Say goodbye to washing up by hand. Rent a dishwasher! slimline and full size models available